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Books & Coffee: A Love Story

Updated: Oct 14, 2018

A book and a cup of coffee: two of the most comforting things in our lives. There is a special love of books and coffee, the two pairing perfectly together. Coffee can be a pick-me-up to a dreary day; so can a book. Coffee can be the jolt you need to start on a new project; so can a book. The memory of a good cup of coffee will stay with you long after you’ve had it, and the same goes for a good book. It’s no surprise then that the combined bookstore/cafe enterprise would work so well.

There is a connection between coffee and books that goes beyond the feeling of when we wrap a hand around a warm mug and use the other hand to turn the pages of whatever we are reading. Places like the café serve as community hubs, gathering places for like-minded individuals. They are places where we can spend hours perusing pages of books full of history, information, stories, inspiration, and new ideas.

We offer a place for relaxation, cafes are built right into the bookstores, encouraging customers to grab a book or two and sit down in a comfy chair with a drink. Places such as our create a movement in creating a place for people to talk. To connect and make a conversation about their different interests.

Sit down...

Cafes may serve a social purpose, but there’s also a more personal element at play. It gives you a place to sit, lingering among others. We offer you a quick escape—all without really unplugging from day-to-day life.

When we read we are transported into a different world!

Books often serve a similar purpose, allowing us to detach from the world around us and dive into a new one. In that way, books can be our solace, and they require our undivided attention.

Find your focus...

Book cafes are not only beneficial for the relaxation and community that they offer, but also the heightened quiet and calm ambience, a place that allows for people to share their common passion while not having to explicitly discuss their love and reading and delicious beverages. In fact, a recent study published in the 'Psychonomic Bulletin and Review' answered a long asked question, is mental effort exertion contagious? and why do people seem to concentrate better surrounded by others?

This discovery was made by sitting people who were doing different tasks next to each other. When one person’s task was more difficult, the person next to them worked harder too, even though they couldn’t see what was on their neighbour’s computer screen. How this effect occurs isn’t clear, but it might be that we are influenced by subtle, unconscious cues such as a person’s body posture or breathing.

Book cafes allow for a more relaxed version of this phenomenon to take place, and we invite all our patrons, whether reading a book or finishing up some work in the close proximity of some coffee, Sip Cafe is here to bring you a tranquil space.

It's a soothing experience for one to encounter

"In today’s digital age, where online book giants are squashing out independent brick-and-mortars, bookstores are forced to think of different ways to get readers into their stores and keep them there. In this state of focus and relaxation, a piping hot beverage just seems a natural fit—something to sip on." - Anna Brones 2016 (Sprudge)

If you want to know more about how to create or discover your own lovely story, start by picking up a book! Don't know how? Well this video may help do the trick...

One more thing on picking your reading materials; Don't be afraid to pick something new or different to read! An important aspect of life is to not to get caught up in the rat race and the repetition that exists in the modern day. Here at Sip Cafe, not only do we want you to try both old and new coffees, but more importantly new books and tried and tested classics alike.

Over to you

What do you think of books and coffee? What book will you pick up at the café? What’s your thoughts on today's digital age? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

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